Sunday, February 11, 2007

Day 2 (2/11/07)

Captain Zinc got to see something besides a cage and my hands today! I took her and Klardae into the bathroom for an hour for some free time. It seems that she has a thing for the color green - she nibbled on cucumbers and ate all the lettuce yesterday! The first thing Klardae ate was a bit of an apple. Evidently, she also likes oranges. (Never give oranges to your male rat! For females it's okay.) Most of the fruits and veggies and some of the Reggie food was gone this morning. I also let Klardae run around on my desk this morning. I've only caught Klardae in the hammock once, but she's tried out the wheel, the wooden bird toy, and pretty much everything else. And apparently, all they can get out of the treat basket out of all the fruits and veggies and the like is lettuce. So that's all I'll be putting there from now on. Must remember to buy Yogies next weekend!

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